Valasay Cottage

Enjoy the


Valasay Cottage is located across a footbridge at Valasay (Bhalasaigh) near Breacleit on Great Bernera, in the magical Outer Hebrides of Scotland. The self-catering cottage is perfectly situated to get away from it all and enjoy nature and tranquillity. There are a few honesty sheds nearby for essentials, the nearest larger shops are a 40min drive. Callanish standing stones are 20min driving, Arnol blackhouses 45min. For otters and sea eagles, you might not need to leave the cottage at all, as both are occasionally seen, both in Tob Bhalasaigh and along the seashore.


  • Internet – Wireless
  • TV
  • Fireplace
  • Bath
  • Coffee machine (Tassimo)
  • Dishwasher
  • Washing machine
  • Dryer

If you have 10 minutes, why not head over to this facebook video and watch the drive across Bernera bridge and down to Bostadh beach. At 3:30 is where you'd turn left towards Bhalasaigh and arrive at Valasay Cottage in another 2 minutes driving.


Tob Bhalasaigh is designated as a priority site of special scientific interest as a sheltered lagoon with a rare mixture of seaweeds only found in this unusual mix of salt and fresh water. The "Great Bernera Trail" leading up to the magnificent beach at Bostadh passes through Valasay, it takes about 2h to walk to Bostadh. Chances are you'll need longer because every 10 minutes you'll stop to take in the scenery and look for birds and cetaceans. Callanish standing stones are a 20min drive away, Gearrannan Blackhouse Village is 35min away.


Drone footage by "CalCo Macleod" from October 2021. Valasay Cottage can be seen briefly around 1:10


Images of the cottage and the nearby surroundings.


Bernera is known for its Iron Age (or possibly Pictish) settlement at Bostadh, discovered in 1992 and now covered by sand to preserve it. A replica Iron Age house matching those now buried is sited nearby. The island was the location of the Bernera Riot of 1874, where crofters resisted the Highland clearances. The main industry on Bernera today is lobster-fishing. There are still some weavers but it is no longer one of the main industries.

Prince Robin de la Lanne-Mirrlees, a former Queen's Herald, bought the island of Great Bernera in 1962. He was recognised as Laird of Bernera until his death in 2012, upon which his grandson, Cyran de la Lanne-Mirrlees, inherited the estate.

The image below shows the cottage circa 1950's. The footbridge was built in 1898, the raised middle footbridge was upgraded in 1962. Since then, the bridge has been altered and upgraded a number of times, eventually removing the stairs and thus making the bridge more accessible.

Great Bernera

The Macdonalds

The most common name on Great Bernera is MacDonald, and these are said to be descended from a watchman of the Macaulays of Uig, who gave him the island in return for his services.


The Uig evictions began when Kirkibost and Little Bernera were cleared to make way for Linshader Farm.


Bernera Riot. A court case exposes the maltreatment of the peasant classes in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland and exposes the corruption that was inherent in the land-owning class.

July 22nd, 1953

Opening ceremony of the Bernera bridge, the first pre-stressed concrete bridge in Europe

Valasay Cottage

Tobson 24 croft

ca. 1811

Records from the 1841 Census show a croft tenancy for 24 Valasay ca. 1811.


Oldest deed in the modern records dates from 1977, for Valasay 24B


Valasay 24B, aka Valasay Cottage, is completely renovated

since 2015

Valasay Cottage is let as self-catering holiday home



The are two species of eagles present on the Hebrides, the golden eagle and the white-tailed eagle (also known as sea eagle). The golden eagles prefer the hills, and are most commonly seen around North Harris. The "Harris Eagle Observatory" is a great place to look for them. Sea eagles, on the other hand, can be seen all along the coast on the Isle of Lewis. In fact, Great Bernera is a great place to see them.

Tip: to spot a white-tailed eagle, don't just look up, but also along the coastline. If you see gulls mobbing a bird, it's quite likely an eagle.

White-tailed eagle looking for fish
White-tailed eagle
Juvenile white-tailed eagle


While red deer are extremely rare on Great Bernera, there's a good chance of seeing them once you've crossed the Bernera bridge onto Lewis.

Tip: the best time to see deer is around dawn. Drive carefully, as they will often graze close to roads, and are not as used to traffic as the sheep are.

Red deer at Bernera Junction
Red deer at dusk near Crùlabhig
Red deer early morning near Iarshader


Otters are tricky animals to spot. There is only one species of otter in the UK, but the behavior of freshwater otters is fundamentally different from the coastal "sea" otters. Freshwater otters are usually nocturnal, and a male otter will occupy a territory of up to 30km of river (there might be 2-3 females in that territory).

Coastal otters, on the other hand, are mainly active during the day, and their territories are much smaller.


Tip: otters are not creatures of habit. Any observation tips like "best during receding tide" should be taken with a grain of salt. Just keep your eyes open. When walking along the shore, try to not show your silhouette against the sky.

Let's say you've just pulled up to Valasay Cottage:

Did you spot the otter swimming off to the left?


There are two species of seals commonly seen nearby. The grey seal is the larger of the two, with a flatter nose (sometimes described as a "horse face"). Female grey seals tend to have bellies slightly paler than the darker grey backs. The harbor seal is smaller, but size can be deceptive, and female grey seals are not much larger than harbor seals. A harbor seal's face is more forward-looking, with a slightly upturned nose.

Grey seal
Harbor seals
Grey seals


Closer to home, there are several species of bumble bees you're likely to see in the garden of Valasay Cottage.

White-tailed Bumblebee

White-tailed Bumblebee. Note that the "waist" (between thorax and abdomen) is black, and the black band before the white tail is rather narrow.

Garden bumblebee

Garden bumblebee. Note that the "waist" is yellow(ish), starting just behind the wing, and then a fairly broad black band before the white tail.

Carder bee

Both the Moss Carder Bee and the Common Carder Bee are found. They can be hard to distinguish, but if you see any black hairs on thorax or abdomen it'll be a Common Carder bee. This one here is probably a Moss Carder Bee.

There are several other bumble bee species found on the machair, of which the Great Yellow bumblebee is probably the most prestiguous find.

Valasay, Bernera and the Isle of Lewis throughout the year


From April to September is often cited as the best time to visit the Hebrides. The weather is usually good, the ferries run more often (summer timetable), and tourist attractions are open. It's also the busy season, with more camper vans on the roads and more people at the beaches.


Main month of lambing. Geese head north. Overall, the landscape is still fairly brown, the trees are bare.


This is the month the flora springs to life. Cuckoos and terns arrive, bumblebees start buzzing, and towards late May is often the first of two midge-hatchings (see the midge forecast).


Seabirds are feeding their young, so are usually seen near to the coast. Valasay Cottage garden will have fledgling sparrows, chaffinches and goldfinches.


Peak mackerel spawning month, which brings the dolphins closer to shore. Start of deer stalking on the estates.


Best month to see cetaceans. The seabird breeding season comes to an end, the birds start moving to the open sea. Blooming heather turns the hills purple.


Heather is still in bloom in early September. Late September the deer rut starts, and the midges disappear for the winter. Geese are migrating south.


Visiting the Hebrides in the winter months is different. Roads and beaches are often empty, many places are closed, it's dark. The weather can be quite lively. But it's also way more magical than during the summer, and there are no midges.


Best month to see red deer, esp. the roaring stags.


Valasay Cottage is closed for maintenance and repairs, so there's really no reason to come in November.


Birds from the north are here to spend the winter, such as geese, ducks, winter thrushes, along with the occasional rarity.


Peak season for seeing northern lights, as it's dark rather early.


Golden eagles are pair-bonding, locking talons in mid-flight.


Daffodils everywhere, there's a sense of warmer times coming.

Day trip ideas

Historic Bernera

Pack your lunch and head out for a walk around Bernera with a focus on its historic sites. Many of these sites require a bit of walking off the beaten track, making it a much more intimate experience once there.

On the way back, visit the Bernera Museum at the community center


The Great Bernera Trail goes right past Valasay Cottage, so just step out and head along the coast towards Bostadh. Have a look at the lobster pools along the way, past through the village Tobson, and on to Bostadh with its beautiful beach and iron age house (check opening times!). That, in the water just off the shore, is "The Bosta Beach Bell", which will ring out when the tide is just right.

The trail descriptions says to walk back on the main road, which gives you an opportunity for a coffee at the Community center cafe on the way back. Alternatively, just trace your steps straight back along the coast to Valasay Cottage.

Boat trip

A boat trip is a great way to see the area from a different perspective. Islands of Adventure runs trips from Kirkibost pier, on the south-east end of Bernera. Little Bernera Tours departs from Bostadh beach. Further afield, Seatrek departs from Miavaig.

For any of these, make sure to check availability well in advance.

Isle of Lewis

If you really must leave Bernera, the Isle of Lewis isn't all that bad. There's some decent historic sites along the west coast, the Ness area can be quite nice, or then head towards Uig and Mangersta to see the sea stacks.


Pets are not allowed at Valasay Cottage.


Some of our favorite reviews from Airbnb. (Some of these are under the listing of the previous owner)

We really enjoyed our stay at Valasay Cottage! The location was absolutely incredible. The photos of the cottage do not do it justice - large, bright and cosy spaces with much bigger bedrooms and living area than we expected. We were blown away by the high specification of the cottage and think it is great value for money. An incredibly special place and a holiday we will treasure forever. Thank you!



Sometimes on your travels you find somewhere special. You are miles from the bustle, but closer to the world here. Be prepared to be self-sufficient and make the most of the peace and the wildlife and really unwind.



Fantastic location for people who love a holiday away from it all. The house is warm and cosy and well equipped and the views are stunning. Lovely wee secluded garden as well. Plan well ahead the nearest shop is a long way away and pack your luggage well to reduce trips back and forth over the footbridge. We just loved all of it. No sound but the tide, wind and birdsong. No traffic. Amazing!



This is in the most amazing location and watching the water flow in and out of the loch through the bridge is wonderful. Overall really well equipped and great for visiting the island plus Uig Sands restaurant is fantastic. Saw a pair of golden eagles very close over in Tobson.



We travelled from Derbyshire, England and Valasay Cottage didn't disappoint. The location is obviously stunning but we also found the cottage to be a perfect mix of feeling homely and authentic, as well as modern and very comfortable. Thank you for the VERY comfortable beds and the best shower after a day swimming in the wild sea. For a family of four - the cottage is perfect - we loved the toy basket & TV in the kid's room especially! We don't want to leave, and will certainly be back.



Contact and book


Valasay Cottage, Valasay, HS2 9NB Isle of Lewis, UK


+44 795 855 7571


On Airbnb, or send us an email
Prices depend on the season, a week is between £700 and £1200.